Thursday, June 14, 2012


Winter has arrived in all its icy glory here in Lenswood and the last couple of weeks has seen a proliferation of all things Fungal around the Adelaide Hills. Very distracting I must say as I've been out taking photos... alot!!!

think this is a Saffron Milk Cap....apparently yummy...
Just outside the studio door
Saffron Milk Cap emerging

This one is defiantly Not Edible( well I wouldn't eat it- even though I saw an identification that described it as edible!) I call it Sponge Bob or
Silly Colin its real name is  'Sillius Colinitus'

However I have found it very inspiring and decided to play with making some Fungi Inspired Pots. I cut and roll the rims on these at soft leather hard stage. Not to sure how I'll glaze these but have a few ideas up my sleeve 

 Well I better get back to work...I'll post some photos of these when they're finished...Till next time Cheers from ROSE MAGUIRE at THE BLUEDOOR STUDIO